91 reg import stereo wiring issue

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91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by limey »

So we've got this car in bits and someones been "in the dash"...... Looks like they were armed with an Ali express head unit..... Which I've already binned.
The wirings a train crash but I need it sorting regardless. Our car has 2 units, the top one which is missing and a second Toyota unit unerneith it which obviously does nothing.
Are we better fitting an aftermarket unit and just leaving the old Toyota unit in the lower slot or are the stereos uncoded, in which case should I just try to source an original unit?
I've been online and it's a mine field of wiring diagrams😳..... We have the rear single jdm sub and should have 2 separate units in the dash
Anyone have the wiring colour codes to hand at all?
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by jeff »

depending on your budget, i would swap them both out for a double din android head unit
Not Plan B again!! Why don't we just go with plan B in the first place?
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by limey »

We have a very small budget. Sold the 3 spokes to finance the exhaust it needs...... We aren't going crazy, would just like it up and running with a legit mot for the summer..... Then it's being sold.
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by jeff »

well if you're selling really no point in the above
Not Plan B again!! Why don't we just go with plan B in the first place?
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by limey »

Well be using it thru the summer
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by jimi »

That's a mess, looks like someone has bodged ISO connectors onto the standard wiring. Why not just use a cheap head unit until you sell the car ?
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by limey »

Don't want to sell a train crash to someone else to be honest. Already done the sills on one side and currently chasing the other parts it needs. Could bodge things and farm it out, but would rather sell a decent car to an enthusiast who will keep it on the road. If it turns out really well, I may keep it for myself
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by ayresyboy »

With something like this I just take it to an audio installer to save the headache. The oem subwoofer and speakers are usually torn and beyond repair. As it's a small cabin, using only the door speakers works fine. Get yourself some budget Halfords components to run directly off the head unit. You can use a double din unit or a single din. With the single din there is an oem blanking plate to fill the gap which you can usually pick up cheaply. Andy
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Re: 91 reg import stereo wiring issue

Post by jimi »

limey wrote: 01/04/24 19:40 Don't want to sell a train crash to someone else to be honest. Already done the sills on one side and currently chasing the other parts it needs. Could bodge things and farm it out, but would rather sell a decent car to an enthusiast who will keep it on the road. If it turns out really well, I may keep it for myself
Fair enough, I couldn't live with that mess either.
Have a look in KY2 https://mr2oc.co.uk/know-your-2/mk2/mk2-interior.html there's a lot of info on stereo wiring in there. I'd start at the original harness wiring and identify all the wires by the colour codes, then fit proper ISO connectors.
Although going back to original Toyota units is possible there's 2 problems, you'll need the proper Toyota connectors (they are different to ISO connectors) and getting a good, working, original head unit won't be easy or cheap. They seem to be asking stupid money for them on eBay these days :shocked:
If you get stuck with identifying the wires let me know and I'll try and help, I have a fair collection of wiring diagrams ;)
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