back working on the mr2 after many years away

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back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

so many years after owning my sonic shaddow my sons gone and bought himself a red na . weve pretty much done everything that was reuqired to get that on the road as a reliable daily after being sat in a yard for many years and it just wants painting.
but in true mr2 fan style..............hes gone and bought another one.....thats also been sat for a very long time :blush: the list of things wrong is pretty big but theres no time limit on this. things we aready know that are wrong
its g limited auto on a 91 reg

exhaust blowing at cat-tail pipe was knocked into apparently
rev counter not working
speedo not working
a/c not working
parts for adjustable steering missing although i worked out how raise it manually and theres lots of "bits" in the glove box"
t bar leaks
theres a horrible bearing noise and my money is on the alternator needing some wd40 on it
sills need repairs ( parts on order already, just need ot work out how to fit them)
seats torn and one has a faulty runner( link between the two sides missing)
radio needs throwing away
brakes unkown but they do stop it at low speeeds
one light doesnt work,but does raise
most the dash has been out and not refitted .....its all loose.
power wing mirrors dont work at all
aerial doesnt raise but i think thats due to the nast ali express head unit. we have a standard one to throw in
steering wheel needs replacing
wheels were 3 spokes so theyre already off and going to be sold on ebay

will be asking lots of question...........lots and lots.....

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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by jimi »

Welcome to the Club, good luck with the repairs and feel free to ask away :th:
Here's some starters for you ;)
MK2 sill replacement

Know Your 2

Alternator may not be the bearings, more likely (in my experience) to be rust on the rotor/stator, see this article

Alternator Problems ? Read On
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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

Thanks mate.
We have a miniscule budget so
Seat is now patched and the smashed gear surrounds been super glued and melted with a hot screwdriver
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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

and also
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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by jimi »

That's not bad at all :th: I doubt you could get them any better without replacing them. Well done :clapping:
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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

Touched the dash and it all fell out..... Someone has been right inside 😩
Reconnected the speedo cable and found the screws for the hazard switch and refitted that. Checked the stereo.... Train crash.
Will come back to that.
Sprayed the dizzy pulley with ac90
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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

Been doing bits. Cut the sill open to see what was inside. Turned out to be an easy job

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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by ayresyboy »

Nice work! Andy
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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

thanks mate

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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

So after calling around I discovered J-Spec who sorted us out with a dash. Top guys and now we have a working rev counter. Still no illumination though. I'm guessing the aftermarket switch in the lower right of the dash may have been where the dimmer switch should be? Sourced a reteo looking head unit for £15 and the exhaust has arrived. I say exhaust, what I mean is an Ali Express £17 delivered drainpipe that my son ordered. I have pipework left over from the granada I built and there's also a sierra rear box delete tail pipe to hand too.
Anyone know what's missing from the colum tilt system in vid below?
Also, does anyone know what this fuse is from? It was in the glovebox🤔
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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

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Re: back working on the mr2 after many years away

Post by limey »

Wasn't happy with the silver so my son ordered up a can of the correct paint. Dash arrived from J spec and I've put that in to test. We now have a working rev counter. I'll try doing the capacitors in the old one at some point too as I'd prefer to keep the mileage correct. Still no dash illumination though
I'm assuming the missing/replaced switch is the dimmer for the dash bulbs? Anyone got. Apic of the switches on the drivers side of a g limited 91 reg import?
Pretty much as I finished touching up the paint and also the chips the red one threw its toys out the pram. Ns headlight gave in.... Took all that apart and contact cleansed the connectors, cleaned the top things bolts and AC90d the...... Everything.
Turned on the lights and nothing. Made me wonder if the motors didn't know where they were or should be. Disconnected the battery ( probably should have done that before starting) and then we had a few mil of movement. Lots more on/offs later and now it's working fine again. Will try to source a complete headlight unit tho and I'm assuming it's only going to work for a while before stopping again. Got a head unit to drop in the new project car too.
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