Hi all. I'm new to this forum and owned my mk3 for about 18 months.
A few months ago the power steering developed an intermittent fault, becoming heavy, steering wheel not returning to center and feeling odd.
More recently one of the pipes on the rack sprang a leak due to corrosion. I had hoped the two were connected but on replacing the pipe and refilling with (expensive) oem fluid the power steering is still playing up.
The PS dash light is not illuminated but I bought a used (tested and working) relay but this still hasn't fixed it.
The only other thing I can think of is the pump. New they are 2k plus. I've phoned around but so far drawn a blank to get my pump remanufactured.
So I'm left with used pumps with potentially a limited life span or a new pump that's worth more than the car.
Any help, guidance or suggestions much appreciated.
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