Suspension knocks driving me bonkers

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Suspension knocks driving me bonkers

Post by adenbakker »

When driving over uneven surfaces, knocks and clunking sounds emanate from somewhere under the car (1993 rev 2). I’ve had the car on the lift for inspection a few time, but cannot find anything suspicious, apart from possibly some rotational play in the trailing arms where the bushings seem a bit soft (not damaged). The arms can be rotated with light manual effort and come to ‘hard stop’ with a bit of an audible knock. (Video available, but I haven’t found a way of uploading this)
Not sure however if this could cause the fairly severe and frequent sounds. The steering and handling is OK. Car has new droplinks, new bc racing coilovers; all other bushings look OK.
Any ideas if this is a known issue, or any other suggestions what could cause (suspension) knocks?
All suggestions are welcome!
Thanks, Andrew

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Re: Suspension knocks driving me bonkers

Post by _Al_ »

Balljoints or top mounts? Both can “look ok” but be worn beyond use
Last edited by _Al_ on 22/06/24 22:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Suspension knocks driving me bonkers

Post by jeff »

adenbakker wrote: 22/06/24 9:05 (Video available, but I haven’t found a way of uploading this)
if its on YouTube just paste in the url
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